Monday, November 26, 2007

Private businesses to support government energy policies...

The Energy Minister says lines companies are amongst businesses willing to help low income households improve heating - supporting Government energy policy in action.

The National Party opposition has no credible policies. Private businesses cannot support something that doesn't exist. John Key full of hot air!

A step towards drier and healthier homes for low and middle income families.

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority is seeking partners to deliver interest free loans to homeowners for heating solutions.

Energy Minister David Parker says he has already heard from lines companies and other businesses keen to offer their support. He says homeowners who take advantage of the funding can expect to improve their health with less asthma and fewer winter illnesses.

Mr Parker says 39,000 low-income families have already had their homes refitted with insulation and other energy efficiency measures. He says the Government is putting $23 million towards the programme over the next four years.

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