Tuesday, February 1, 2011

John Key announces election date for New Zealand...

New Zealand National Party leader John Key and...Image via WikipediaJohn Key has announced that the general elections will be held on November 26 2010, at the end of this year. He also stated he would not consider any coalition with Winston Peters and NZ First.

Well Winnie hasn't actually said that he and NZ first will stand this year, but you can bet they will announce their future some time.

Is he contemplating another another alliance and coalition with the (Fascist) ACT NZ Party and the brown middle class in the Maori Party?

Act is totally dependant on Rodney Hide winning his electorate seat, and the Maori Party actually surviving to the elections, let alone getting elected. There is now the spectre of Hone Harawira hanging there above them like some New Zealand version of the Sword of Damascus.

What does this do for Phil Goff and Labour? Despite the earliest call for an election date ever, Goff will have the best possible preparation by an opposition ever. Has he the nous to pull this off?  The wider electorate is quietly hoping he can - surely Kiwis have had enough of the separatist policies of the last couple years.

Key's announcement to partially privatise four state energy companies has to benefit Labour, any way you look at it. Kiwis don't want their assets/family silver privatised.

Reducing taxes for the rich and increasing GST by 2.5% to 15% hurts the lower paid and those on fixed incomes.

We don't know of or can think of any surprises he could have at present. The SAS will have one more rotation in Afghanistan, although these special forces super-stars will have their numbers reduced by half.

Key wants cuts to the defence budget and all other public service departments. Really?  But the other half of the present rotation in Afghanistan is being saved for the Rugby World Cup tournament - what dangers is he expecting for world leaders who attend the RWC?

I presume Johny Key will announce massive increase in the number of jobs created by his bicycle - ways; this was his pet project when first elected? Yeah right!
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Unknown said...

Load of drivel!