Thursday, June 30, 2011

Will there be Mana in the House...

There will be MANA in the house ? At long last!

"Something very important happened on Saturday night. For the first time in nearly a century, a revolutionary was elected to the New Zealand Parliament." - Chris Trotter, 28 June 2011

At 2pm on Thursday 14 July 2011, Hone Harawira will be called back into the house where he will be sworn in and take his seat as the leader of MANA, Movement of the People.

Following his swearing in, Hone will give his first speech as MANA leader and its first MP. All supporters of MANA are invited to join with his whanau from the Tai Tokerau to celebrate this wonderful occasion

Voxy NZ

KR says:

Well, thats the opinion of Voxy, but I'm waiting for the general elections. A good win there for Mr Mana could well see a change in the political system here in NZ. A wonderful occasion? I think that is a little premature. The great political redeemer, champion of the poor? I remember Hone as the rascist big-mouth Maori seperatist son of Titiiwhai the rabid female rabble-rouser with a doubtful past . Does a leopard change its spots? Bullshit and jellybeans, perhaps!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hone and Mana - become a leader with real mana...

Hone and Mana- become a leader with real mana...

Please view:

Well that was the easy part Hone Harawira. You have done all the talking, the big-mouthing and the audacious. You are no longer a Maori Party MP for the North - Te Tai Tokerau, but leader of the Mana Party. You now claim to be the representative of the poor and disadvantaged, Maori or Pakeha. Well there are just a few months to the general elections.  You took a margin of thousands and reduced it to hundreds. You now have real opposition in the form of Labour's Kelvin Davis, and you will be out of a job if you lose to him in November. If you win and win well, you could be joined by some compadres in the House of Representatives. You could also be a catalyst for change in government. Phil Goff said he won't work with you in a coalition, but if Goff found he could become prime minister,  he'll find some place on the front benches for the leader of Mana with some real mana?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cameron Slater acts like a badly unbalanced person.

Small photo of a very small minded person...

"Whaleoil" blogger Cameron Slater - now says he does not intend to publish details of Labour Party donors.

A database containing about 18,000 supporters' personal information could be freely downloaded from Labour's website until the problem was fixed over the weekend.

Mr Slater - son of former National Party president and power broker John Slater - obtained a copy of the data and has said he would name supporters on his website.

Today he blogged that he had changed his mind.

"I have decided to with­hold the vast bulk of mate­r­ial that I found, because I absolutely agree that as the law stands, every­day New Zealan­der should be free to con­tribute to polit­i­cal par­ties with­out fear of their name being made public," he said.

Labour deputy leader Annette King yesterday warned against releasing such information.

"He might want to hurt the Labour Party on behalf of the National Party, but it might be wise if he thought about other innocent people who are not expecting to see their personal information out in public," she said.

"I have to say I have no time for his style of politics and the sort of things that he's prepared to do."

Labour accused the National Party of downloading the data from its head office and tipping off Slater, calling it a "politically motivated attack" -- an allegation National has denied.

Slater said people should know about Labour's slack management.

"I thought it impor­tant that New Zealan­ders were made aware of the appalling treat­ment that the Labour Party gave to people’s con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion through their wide open website.

"Google and at least nine other bots (web robots) have archived mate­r­ial on the same open Labour site that has been in the news this past week and my post on how this occurred has gen­er­ated unan­i­mous con­dem­na­tion of Labour among the IT community."

Slater named two donors including a Labour staffer who he has accused of using Par­lia­men­tary resources to do party business. Today he said the staffer had used a Parliamentary funded email address.

Ms King said the party constantly reminded staff to be careful about such matters.

"I don't believe they've used them inappropriately outside the rules, but we will keep a very careful eye on what happened, just as every political party should do," she said.
The Clown of NZ politics...

The Privacy Commissioner has raised concerns about the information and was monitoring the situation while Labour had apologised to affected supporters.

KR says:  Cameron Slater is badly in need of psychiatric treatment - its obvious he is badly unbalanced, and being a National supporter its understandable because they are badly unbalanced people, from John Key down. Anybody who is supportive of Don Brash has to be.badly, badly around the twist. LOL

Acknowledgements: NBR

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Alliance Party condemns Attorney General's intervention in sleepover court case...

Alliance condemns Attorney General’s intervention in sleepover pay court case

The Alliance Party believes that the Attorney General’s decision to apply to the Supreme Court for permission to intervene yet again in the IHC sleep over case shows how little regard the government has for low paid workers and for disabled people.

The Alliance believes that the Government would be better advised to spend the money it is using to fight the case on helping to pay sleepover workers a decent pay rate instead, says Alliance Disability Issues Spokesperson Chris Ford.

“With or without the Attorney General, the Supreme Court will rule against them, as has the Employment Court and the Court of Appeal. Therefore, the whole exercise is a blatant waste of taxpayer’s money.”

“What exactly is wrong with paying disability support workers a decent wage and paying them for all of the hours they work? Nobody should have to work 16 hours for eight hours wages, especially not at the miserly hourly rates support workers are paid. This would not be tolerated in any other sector.”

The government can afford to increase funding to IHC and other disability support providers to enable them to pay their workers adequately for the very valuable work that they do.

But they choose not to because they don’t consider the disability sector important enough. They prefer to spend taxpayer’s money on such things as tax cuts for the wealthy, rugby tournaments, stadiums, cycle tracks, and BMWs for MPs.

“The Alliance Party believes it is time to reprioritize and spend money where it really matters, so that all New Zealanders earn a liveable wage and that those in need of support receive the assistance they require to live a decent life,” says Mr. Ford.

The Alliance fully supports the SFWU in their fight for justice for support workers and disabled people and calls on all other political parties to do the same.

KR says: Good question. Why is the government doing this? For the same reason they won't raise the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour.