Monday, June 14, 2010

PM gives Maori Party ultimatum - like it or lump it - Bwana Key has spoken...

Maori Party logoImage via Wikipedia

PM gives Maori Party ultimatum - like it or lump it...

Maori Party given an ultimatum by PM John Key - accept the proposals for a new Foreshore and Seabed Act or the staus quo remains

The Government is moving closer to finalising its plan for replacing the controversial 2004 Foreshore and Seabed Act.

The issue was discussed at Cabinet yesterday.

John Key has laid things on the line for the Maori Party. He says if it does not agree to his proposals to replace the foreshore and seabed act, the 2004 act will stay the same until a later government can find a resolution..

The Prime Minister believes negotiations are nearly complete. He says while in theory he may get approval for the government's plans from other parties, he is insisting he has to have Maori Party support.

There are three conditions for the Maori Party - that the 2004 act is repealed, Maori customary rights are restored and iwi are given the right to go to court or negotiate with the government directly over the foreshore and seabed.

So there Maori Party, like it or lump it - Bwana Key has spoken!

Acknowlegements. © 2010 NZCity, NewsTalkZB

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