Monday, March 8, 2010

Diplomacy the quickest way to rid whaling, maybe yes maybe not...

Murray McCully, a New Zealand Foreign Minister.Image via Wikipedia
Diplomacy quickest way to rid whaling, maybe yes, maybe not...

Government still prefers diplomatic action over the International Court of Justice to eliminate whaling in Southern Ocean.

The Foreign Minister says the Government still wants to eliminate whaling in the Southern Ocean.

Australia is threatening to take Japan to the International Court of Justice over its whaling, but New Zealand is not prepared to take that step just yet.

Murray McCully believes a diplomatic response is the quickest way to go about it, as International Court of Justice action could see the issue locked up for five years.

Mr McCully says if the diplomatic process does break down, we will know by mid-June and the Government has taken some preliminary advice on court action if that happens.

Diplomacy hasn't helped much in other areas recently.

Acknowledgements: 2010 NZCity, NewsTalkZB
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