The cracks are showing, and the National Government has shown it really wants to continue privatising in one form or another, and even extend that to education.
There is no place for private/state partnerships in NZ. These partnerships would be at the expence of the state and the taxpayer. I don't believe the state should subsidise private education. If people want to send their children to private schools they should privately finance them.
John Key is struggling to manage his right wing cabinet members, and those foolish ones outside of cabinet. ACT NZ is a fascist party and is dog-tucker; and the Maori Party is all washed up but doesn't know it! Turiana Turia is standing down next time, and only Pita Sharples has the personal mana to get re-elected; the rest are political deadbeats!
The National Government is a one term government, and it is showing! Many people who voted for National now regret it, and realise they only reacted against what they perceived were nanny state policies of the previous Labour - led administration. They now realise that Labour had been a pretty good government over nine years, and Helen Clark had been one of the great political manager of all time!