Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Hollow Men (NZ) television documentary: 'Big Bold Moves' are a winner....

Mathew Hootten said during these Brash  times that "Big Bold Moves" are a winner. Yet John Key switched sides from Bill English to the eventual National Party leader Don Brash during one day. Brash must have promised more than English. Key now denies the 'Hollow Men' revelations as untrue. It is very difficult to know what Key thinks; we know what he says and that can be very inconsistent...
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86 MB


  1. Part one of five from this full length documentary.
  2. Part two of five from this full length documentary.
  3. Part three of five from this full length documentary.
  4. Part four of five from this full length documentary.
  5. Part five of five from this full length documentary.
  6. The credits from this documentary.


This Alister Barry-directed documentary is about the National Party and the 2005 election; it was made in conjunction with Nicky Hager’s book w

Outing the Nats smear machine - the propaganda outhouse...

WrittenBy:  - Date published:
For a long time, many of us on the left knew it was happening. The National Party has been feeding its pet bloggers, and some tame mainstream (MSM) journalists with its smear lines. Now it has been publicly outed, and some in the MSM seem remarkably complacent about it  – at times they almost seem to celebrate the slick, and tricky success of it.
media and democracy

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Advance bigot, advance....

So the Aussie Government thinks it is your legal right to be a bigot and will amend the law to allow it. Advance Australia Fair...

Monday, March 17, 2014

A massive state house building program is needed for at least the next 15 years

Privatisation is still on National's agenda, and Winston opposes them. The so-called 'Social Housing' changes to state housing as the only provider, is an indicator that National wants out of public housing. It will privatise state housing gradually by selling off thousands of state housing units. National's 2008 policy which has not officially changed, is to replace a house for everyone sold. National sold off at least 15,000 houses during the Bolger/Shipley era. These have not been replaced. Thousands more state houses are given to immigrants and refugees. NZ citizens are having to wait in line, many living in garages and sub-standard houses.

The government should supply immigrants and refugees houses bought from the private sector - not from Housing NZ stock. Labour/Greens will need to initiate a state house building program for the next 15 years to get house numbers up to speed, and to provide low interest mortgages for first home buyers.

This house building program will create jobs as well. Foreign labour may be necessary until an apprenticeship scheme can train tradesmen needed for the building program. A few more Irishmen may be needed in the short term.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Judith Collins should go now - Jonkey later...

Cartoon: Remember three strikes? - Sunday Mar 16, 2014

Progressive Enterprises pressurising Hauraki council to extend alcohol trading hours...

Mayor bemoans Countdown pressure

The Hauraki Mayor says the company which owns the Countdown supermarket chain is "riding rough-shod" over his small community and putting pressure on to extend alcohol trading hours.
Countdown logo
Photo: RNZ
Progressive Enterprises has asked Hauraki District Council to let supermarkets stay open and sell alcohol for an extra two hours - until 11pm instead of the current 9pm closing time.
Progressive has indicated it will appeal any decision to keep the current opening hours.
Hauraki mayor John Tregidga says the appeal feels like a threat and small councils like his can't afford a legal battle with the company and they know it.
He says the council has overwhelming support from its community to restrict trading hours but Progressive Enterprises seems happy to ride rough-shod over small communities to get its way.
Mr Tregida says he is absolutely gutted by the attitude from the supermarket company and his community will not go down without a fight.
But Progressive Enterprises says it's concerned by Mr Tregida's comments over the sale of liquor hours in the district.
In a statement, Progressive Enterprises, which owns the Countdown supermarkets, said it is adhering to a process in which appeals are possible.
It says it does respect the views of the local Hauraki community, and wants to talk to the Hauraki District Council next week.

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