Saturday, September 21, 2013

It certainly is a great day for David Cunliffe, the Labour Party and the NZ working class...

Winner, by a knock-out blow in the First Round, David Cunliffe! (Photo: Greg Presland)
A GREAT DAY for David Cunliffe, the Labour Party and the New Zealand working-class.

Whoso beset him round
With dismal stories,
Do but themselves confound;
His strength the more is.
No lion can him affright,
He'll with a giant fight,
But he will have the right
To be a pilgrim.
John Bunyan 1684

Now, let's get rid of this National-led Government!

This posting is exclusive to the Bowalley Road blogsite.
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Monday, September 16, 2013

Change of heart by Maori Party over the RMA could prove beneficial to them...

Hone Harawira, 2006 portrait photo.
Hone Harawira, 2006 portrait photo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Māori Party
Māori Party (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mana leader Hone Harawira is welcoming a change of heart by the Maori Party to changes to the Resource Management Act.
The Maori Party says it can’t support Environment Minister Amy Adams’ amendments because they replace the principle of environmental sustainability with a drive for economic development.
United Future MP Peter Dunne has also gone cold on the changes, meaning the Government will have to either court New Zealand First or rewrite the bill to get it passed.
Mr Harawira is calling on his former colleagues to hold the line.
"I would sincerely hope that they stand by that decision and not allow themselves to be bought off over the next few weeks because you can absolutely guarantee Nationals going to come back at them with some lolly", he says.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Snap election would see a Labour / Greens Govt

Increasing support for Labour and the Greens means a coalition would easily win a snap election, a poll suggests.

A Labour/Green coalition would easily sweep into power if an election were held today, even without people knowing who the Labour leader will be, a poll suggests.
A Roy Morgan poll, released on Friday, put support for Labour at 32.5 per cent, up 1 percentage point on last month's poll, and the Greens at 15 per cent, up 1.
Their combined tally of 47.5 per cent outstrips that of National, which has slipped 3 points to 41 per cent.
National's coalition support partners are little changed, with the Maori Party at 1 per cent (down 1), Act 1 per cent (up 0.5) and United Future 0.5 per cent (unchanged).
However, 6 per cent of those surveyed didn't name a party, which was a high proportion.
Pollster Gary Morgan says the results show whoever emerges as the new opposition leader on Sunday "stands a good chance of becoming New Zealand's next prime minister as the head of a left-leaning alliance".
The two-week polling of 828 electors started four days after David Shearer stepped down as Labour leader on August 22.
Since then, contenders Shane Jones, Grant Robertson and David Cunliffe have made their cases for Labour's top job, and the winner will be announced on Sunday.

The Labour/Green poll lead over National is the biggest since April.
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