Newspaper reports - New Zealand police terrorist raids...

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November 14, 2007 08:30am

NEW Zealand police monitored activists talking of assassinations and blowing up power plants and communications systems before arresting them.

Court papers show that among targets discussed for assassination were main opposition National Party leader John Key and US President George W Bush, while an al-Qaeda manual on terrorist actions was among "about 10" that group members claimed to be using.

Daily newspapers in Wellington and Christchurch published the evidence today from police surveillance cited in an affidavit used in court to gain warrants to arrest the people involved.

The secret evidence was amassed from months of police surveillance of military-style training camps allegedly used to train Maori independence activists, extreme environmentalists and others on weapons use and survival in the bush.

The 16 activists were arrested on suspicion of breaching the nation's arms and anti-terror laws - but police were later prevented by the nation's top legal officer from bringing terrorism charges.

Solicitor General David Collins last week ruled against charges being laid under the Terrorism Suppression Act against 12 of those arrested in the raids.

While police had good reason to investigate the alleged weapons training activity, New Zealand's anti-terror laws were too complex to apply in this instance, he said. He was "unable to authorise the prosecutions" under the terror law.

All 16 of those arrested still face charges under the Arms Act. They have been released on police bail under strict conditions that include surrender of passports and other restrictions on their movements and activities.

New Zealand's Arms Act prohibits private ownership of military-style weapons and requires all gun owners to hold an arms licence to own and use firearms.

Reports said the training camps involved the use of military-style weapons, Molotov cocktails, napalm-based bombs and other explosives.

Police and the Solicitor General immediately condemned publication of the police affidavit.

Deputy Commissioner Rob Pope said they would investigate publication of the material, "and any other publication which could be considered to breach court suppression orders or potentially compromise criminal proceedings."

Council for Civil Liberties chairman Tony Ellis, a senior barrister, warned release of the information could prejudice the fair trials of the 16.

The capital's Dominion Post newspaper said in an editorial it "has not taken lightly the decision" to publish the material.

"We believe we are acting within the law; we also believe we are acting in the public interest," it noted on its front page.

As the papers published the police material, protesters from the small town of Ruatoki, one of the centres for police raids on suspects last month, were travelling in a convoy to Parliament in Wellington to protest the action of the armed anti-terror police.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Private businesses to support government energy policies...

The Energy Minister says lines companies are amongst businesses willing to help low income households improve heating - supporting Government energy policy in action.

The National Party opposition has no credible policies. Private businesses cannot support something that doesn't exist. John Key full of hot air!

A step towards drier and healthier homes for low and middle income families.

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority is seeking partners to deliver interest free loans to homeowners for heating solutions.

Energy Minister David Parker says he has already heard from lines companies and other businesses keen to offer their support. He says homeowners who take advantage of the funding can expect to improve their health with less asthma and fewer winter illnesses.

Mr Parker says 39,000 low-income families have already had their homes refitted with insulation and other energy efficiency measures. He says the Government is putting $23 million towards the programme over the next four years.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Just what do the Aussie election results mean for the West...

Just what do the Australian election results mean for the West? What do they mean for Bush's foreign policy initiatives? The Aussie boys will be coming home pretty soon George Junior!

The Australian left of centre Labor Party won the Federal elections by a landslide. Now all the states and the Federal government are all Labor administrations.

The new Australian Prime Minister, 50 year old Queenslander, Kevin Rudd, has stated that Australia will sign the Kyoto protocol, something George Bush opposes, and will be withdrawing Australian combat troops from Iraq.

Mr Rudd is a Mandarin speaking former diplomat. He is also only the second Queenslander to be elected as Australian prime minister. He is expected to forge even closer ties with New Zealand and other friends and allies. He assured George Bush of the centrality of the US alliance in Australia's approach to foreign policy.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Who needs Key and National now? Tax cuts are a' coming...

Who needs John Key and National now? Tax cuts are a' coming! Did you ever doubt it? I didn't; timing is everything in politics. The time for tax cuts is now!

The Prime Minister,Helen Clark, and her Finance Minister, Mike Cullen have announced it at the Labour Party conference. They have relied on treasury advice previously, and were obviously told that until now,tax cuts were not feasible.

To say it is too little too late, is a load of nonsense! And nonsense is all we have heard from the National Party and their fellow travellers on the political right.

Everybody know's; you don't have to be a brain surgeon at all, that under National only the better off will benefit from personal tax cuts.The majority of Kiwi earners would be lucky to get $10-$20 per week. This would do absolutely nothing to assist them and their families.

Under Labour families have benefitted from the Government's policies. The Tories just can't see past tax cuts - well New Zealand is going to get them - both personal and businesses.

Lets read this space, and wait for the announcements.

But what do we do with National after this? Well they are as useful as tits on a bull! John is not the key for the future of New Zealand.

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